Friday, February 8, 2008

write to the future you!

this has nothing to do with our project but i thought i would share this cool new website i found. 
it's called:

you pretty much type an email to yourself and they send it for you in the near can pick the month, date, and year you want it to be sent to you. 

it's interesting. you can check out what other people wrote to themselves. some letters are venting about their horrible day and some are filled with hope for what is coming up next in their life. here is one:
"Dear FutureMe, 
Well, you had 3 and a half years to change things around. Did you? Did you become the woman the girl deserved to be? If yes, congratulations.
If not, you are still valuable Lori. It's in you. Never, ever, ever give up."

i think i should email myself one to be sent to me next year. it will say:
"i hope we have finished this stop motion movie."
and if we haven't yet, that will motivate me to do so...i think. 


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